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Subscription and team onboarding
How to add a member to a subscriptionInclude new users in the organizations, boards and subscriptions by inviting them to boards and setting the correct role/member type.
How to remove a member from your subscriptionBlock or delete a user from a subscription
Board members: how to add and removeHow do I manage, add members, delete member, update, remove or block member role for my board?
Detail overview of user actions related to the role types.
Why are new added users becoming part of my subscription?
How to update billing information and company dataChanges in address, invoice reference, country, VAT, and other form field details
How to update the payment methodWhen a subscription is overdue or a credit card is expired, you can renew your subscription payment
Plans with card mirroring and mirror limitsWhat plan contains card mirroring, is it available in Basic, Pro or Enterprise? Limitations and constraints. Can Trello members mirror?
How to access your subscription invoicesFind latest invoice and receipt documents with charges and our VAT ID
How do I start or add a subscription?I want to create a subscription, how does this work?
Placker overview pageWhere is my overview page, what can I do on the overview page?
Using the "Change subscription" button to navigate between multiple subscriptionsMultiple Placker accounts
Team template views in Placker
What is the currency of prices, Euros or US Dollars?
How do I set the Trello token to another user to fix a sync issue?
How do I change or reset my password?I forgot my password or would like to change it, where can I do this?
Can I change the access level of specific cards or boards so that some members don't see information in some cards?
How do I get an invoice or quote so I can approve the purchase internally?
Is the payment per year or per month?
Is Placker included in Trello Premium as a free power-ups?
Should I add all my Trello members? What is considered an active member?
How much does Placker cost? Is there a free plan?
My payment resulted in an error, it was not accepted, what should I do?There is a “We could not process your payment” message.
What payment methods do you accept?
I see duplicate members in the members page, how do I fix this?
The value shown in the start subscription page is not correct, what did I do wrong?
How do I subscribe with only one member?Starting with a single member, not two members minimum
What features are included during the trial period?
How do I upgrade or downgrade my account?
Do you offer discounts for nonprofits 501c3?