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Report view
Report view

In depth (descriptive) articles on the report and track tab and each of the trackers

Track widgets

Descriptions on each track widget

Pivot track widgetCreate a matrix that compares values from two or more attributes
Overview of the widget typesSee how each widget type works in Placker
Card list: a Placker track widgetUse this widget to see a list of cards with its attributes to read information about each activity or task
Text: Placker track widgetUse a text widget to type your own text or see the custom attributes related to cards.
Tracker: Placker track widgetUse this widget to see sum of number of cards or effort by attribute
Completed tracker: Placker track widgetUse this widget to see the number of completed cards by attribute or on the last days or weeks
Multi Tracker: Placker track widgetUse this widget to display current and previously estimated values
Progress tracker: Placker track widgetSee an indicator of the percentage of completed cards by board or attribute
Date Tracker and Date Picker widgetsFilter you track view and view week, month and date reports
Donut counter: Placker track widgetUse this widget to see the amount of cards completed, in progress, etc. in a visual way.
Graph widgetBurndown, completion, cumulative flow and other charts
Multi counter: Placker track WidgetMulti counter widget, throughtput and report end date (required and to complete) indicators (KPI).
Attribute picker: Placker track widgetUse this widget to select specific information to be shown on trackers, for example filtering by member or label.
Lead & Cycle Times - Default track view pageIn this article you will learn the cards' time to complete indicators meaning
Board flow: Placker track widgetUse this widget to see how long cards stayed in a specific list or progress, for example number of days in average on "To do" list.