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Progress Planning Reports

Instructions to display progress and status metrics to analyze board data

Gustavo Braga avatar
Written by Gustavo Braga
Updated over a year ago

How to Create a Report

The following instructions are based on the Report view, available for Placker users. To learn the basics of this mode, please refer to this article.

And to add the lead time to one of the widgets, it will be required to enter their edit mode, as described in this article.

Task progress and status on a Project

When managing a project, checking the amount of work completed on each task is one of the most important responsibilities of a leader. Based on this information, actions might be needed to adjust the execution towards a successful closure.

While you can open the Board and Gantt views to see the percentage complete on each card, the Report view provides an overview and summarized data when a manager needs to look into it.

In cases where the precise percentage is not so relevant, but checking the current execution stage of each task is, graphs showing the status can be very simple, yet helpful.

The image below shows the settings for the lead time. As you can see, it's possible to select what will be the lead time inputs.

Then, you will be able to create a single value widget that shows you the average lead time of certain cards, or, for a detailed analysis, create a table that compares dates and shows the exact Lead Time for each card, allowing the user to spot the ones that took longer than expected.


The following widgets provide an example of interesting understandings that could be achieved with the widgets shown in the showcase report and the configuration needed to add each of them

Last plan end date: Single value Widget with the Max Plan End Date. Shows when the project is planned to end.

Total progress: Single value Widget with Progress as an attribute. Shows how much relative work is done.

Cards by status: Bar chart with Status as a group attribute. Shows how many cards are open, started, completed, etc.

Cards by Traffic Light: Pie chart with Traffic light as a group attribute. Shows cards that have potential issues.

Card table with status information: List of cards with columns set to show Progress, Status and Members assigned.

Cards by Member x Status: Pivot table with Members in rows and Status in the columns, showing detailed numbers and totals.

We recommend to display only the cards that are relevant according to the input that a card has. For example, if your team doesn't have the habit of adding the percentage complete to cards, it makes more sense to have status related widgets only.

Placker can automatically track actual times by tracking progress when the board is setup correctly. For more information on how to use the actual dates, please check this article.

If you use custom fields to update the status of cards, they are also compatible with Placker reports and can be used instead of the default Status field.

After adding the widgets, you can make adjustments and add filters to make them even more accurate before sharing with others.

Also, keep in mind to keep the card progress updated to have reliable information in the widgets. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us in the chat.

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