Rules for card mirroring

Create automation rules to automatically sync cards across boards based on conditions

Gustavo Simões Braga avatar
Written by Gustavo Simões Braga
Updated over a week ago

This is an advanced mirroring feature. If you want to learn the basics of card mirroring, check this article.

Create a workflow and let Placker do the mirroring for you

The automation feature for card mirroring helps you save time by not having to manually mirror cards.

In cases where mirroring follows a standard, you can create rules that will trigger the creation of mirrors. Learn how this works with a practical example in the following section.

Setting up a rule in

Suppose you are working with many colleagues in a project, but would like to keep track of what you need to do in your personal board.

You can set a rule where every time a card is assigned to you, it gets mirrored to your board.

To do this, click the gear next to the title of the board in a view, and access the "Rules" tab. There, you will find the "Add new rule button" and create the rule based on your context. If needed, you can edit, disable or delete the rule later.

Using AND and OR conditions

The mirror rules allow you to make a logical trigger that may include multiple conditions. It may happen that all conditions need to be True (AND), or only one condition needs to be True (OR), while other cases may not require these advanced statements.

For example, if your case is to mirror all cards that are moved to the "Doing" list to a personal board, there is only one condition to be met. But let's say you want to mirror cards moved to "Doing" AND that are assigned to a specific member of your team - in this case the + AND condition button will be helpful.

There can even be a more complex case where a card would be mirrored either if it's moved to "Doing" OR if the approval checklist was marked as complete - but still considering that the member Sam was added to the card. The screenshot below shows how this rule would look like:

To delete any of the conditions, click the X icon next to it.

Copying rules from a board to another

If you would like to have the same rules of this board in another, you can copy the board settings (as long as both boards are imported in Placker). This is done in the board settings, see in the recording below:

Errors or info in the mirror rules

There are cases where mirror rules are not triggered to prevent issues. If you see this in your mirror rules tab, check if it could be one of these issues:

  • Duplicates. Cards with a blue label get mirrored, and cards in the "To do" list get mirrored. A card in that list that later gets that label wouldn't be mirrored a second time.

  • Mirror loop. Example: every card in board A is mirrored to board B, and every card in board B is mirrored to board A.

  • Mirroring would create a mirror group not available in the current plan or exceeding the current limit. Example: every card in board A will be mirrored to boards B, C and D. However, the mirror group limit in the Pro plan is 3.

  • An attribute related to the rule is no longer available. Example: Cards in the “To do” list get mirrored, but this list is now archived.

When an error occurs, additional information will be displayed to help you visualize and fix the issue. This makes it easier than ever to keep your rules active and error-free.

This is shown in the screenshot below, where the first rule is triggered correctly, the second shows additional info, and the third is inactive.

The reason for the blue info button is because it is preventing duplicates. For example, there was a card where the green label was added, which made it be mirrored. When the blue label was added, Placker shows additional info instead of mirroring the same card a second time (which could cause an infinite loop eventually). Hovering the mouse over the blue button would show the message "Mirrored card already exists on target board".

And what caused the red inactive button to be shown is the fact that the red label, which used to be the condition for this rule, was archived.

These improvements were added to help you understand how your mirror rules are performing. In case you see these buttons but still can't figure out what is not working, feel free to reach out sending a screenshot and we can investigate the mirror rules for you.

Other use cases

Mirroring cards to a personal or team board according to members assigned is a very common use case. However, there are more situations where automated card mirroring can save a lot of time, such as:

• When a the "Meeting" label is assigned to a card (topic), mirror it to the board that will be used during the meeting

• When a new card (task) is created in a personal board, mirror it to the team board

• When a card (client) is moved to "Contract signed" list in a sales board, create a mirror in the production board

• When a card named "Order #123" is moved to the "Done" list, this means that everything is completed. The rule below will make sure this is set on the checklist items that are under the "Tasks" checklist. The bottom part of the rule sets it back to "Open" if the list is moved away from "Done".

• When a project card is moved to the "Design" list, mirror task cards to a professional responsible for Design:

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