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Creating and editing custom attributes in Placker
Creating and editing custom attributes in Placker

Placker provides custom text, number, dates, member and traffic light attributes. It is also compatible with Trello custom fields.

Gustavo Braga avatar
Written by Gustavo Braga
Updated over 6 months ago

In Placker, in addition to the Trello attributes (such as due date, member, labels, etc.) and Placker attributes (such as planned start date, budget, story points, etc.), you can also create your own custom attributes. It is also compatible with Trello custom fields.

For example, it could be an important information for you to add the revenue of each card.

Watch a recorded session about this feature

Click on the embedded video below to watch our webinar and discover how you can take advantage of it:

View and edit custom attributes in a card

When you open a card in the card overview or in the panel, you will see the custom attributes and custom fields.

If you don't see a custom attribute you have created, it could be because the option "show when empty" is disabled. In this case, you can open the custom attributes tab and change it or click "Show empty attributes" in the card overview to make sure that all of them are visible.

Create custom attribute

To create a custom attribute, open the board settings, then the custom attributes tab. There will be an "Add attribute" button on the Main area and Sidebar, you can click the one where you would like the attribute to be created.

Copy many attributes from another board

If you have a set of custom attributes created in another board and would like to copy them to your board, instead of creating them one by one, you can use the "Copy settings" in the board settings:

Edit custom attribute

To change the settings of a custom attribute that was already created, click the "Edit" button next to it in the same section shown in the previous section.

These are the options available when you edit an existing custom attribute:

  • Reorder drag and drop

  • Type tag at the right of the title

  • Renaming an existing custom attributes

  • Field type: additional options for specific custom attributes. Check our articles on each custom attribute type for these details

  • Trello icon: Indicates that this is a Trello custom field. In this case changes should be made in Trello, although you can set it to show when empty

  • Remove button, which will delete the custom attribute

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

Automatically creating custom attributes/fields with mirrored cards

When you mirror a card and it has a custom attribute that is not available in the target board, Placker will create it by default.

If the target board is synced with Trello and using custom fields, it will be created as a custom field instead of a Placker custom attribute.

You can check details on this feature at this article.

Trello custom fields support

The Trello Custom fields are a popular way to add additional fields to Trello, similar to how Placker custom attributes are used to customize Placker workflows. We support importing an synchronizing, number text and selectable custom fields in Placker.

Importing custom fields in Placker will allow you to generate track view widgets that take data from the custom fields and use them to set a filter in Placker.

Importing custom fields

You can create custom fields using the Trello power-up that will be automatically imported into Placker.

Using both Trello custom fields and Placker custom attributes.

You can use both Trello custom fields and Placker custom attributes, when you do this, it is possible to view and edit both fields/attribute types at the same time in Trello, like you can see in the screenshot below:

Using custom fields in the Placker trackers

When custom fields are imported, you can use the custom fields in the following ways:

  1. You can generate trackers using the text of selectable values. For example to show the number of cards that are assigned to the ACME company.

  2. You can use the number values as unit of measure. For example to show the sum of #quantity by board or list.

  3. You can set a filter to filter cards by the custom fields, for example to show only cards that are linked to the ACME company.

Custom fields sync issues

If you realize that custom fields are not being updated between Trello and Placker you can open the board settings and click Custom Attributes / Synchronize custom attributes.

If even after refreshing the browser that still doesn't work, please send us a message in the chat with screenshots and links to example of cards that are not syncing correctly.

In case it refers to a mirroring sync, please make sure that the Custom Fields are created with the same title and options in both boards.

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