September 2017 updates

Progress based time-tracking, UI/UX and performance improvements.

Reinder Visser avatar
Written by Reinder Visser
Updated over a week ago

We used September to improve time tracking and several /UX and performance related topics.

Time tracking:

  • You can now track time based on the card progress, when a card moves to completed, the spent time can be calculated based on the start and end dates of the cards.

UI/UX improvements:

  • Improved the board layout to make cards more clear.

  • Improved the detail panel on the right-hand site to make it easier to read the different attributes.

  • Improved the attribute pickers to make it easier to select the attributes (for example to add 1 week of effort).

Performance improvements:

  • Gantt auto updates when cards have empty checklists.

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