Placker can automatically track the time your cards are in progress and adds this time to the actual effort value of your cards. ย
For example, if a card is planned to start on Monday and finish on Wednesday, but has been moved to "Started" on Tuesday and "Completed" on Friday, you will be able to see it.
This article describes how this works and how you can set this up.
How does this work?
List based progress tracking
Placker tracks the progress of your cards based on the status attribute, this attribute indicates if a card is open, in progress, on hold or completed.
This can be done either manually (changing the status attribute) or automatically, when cards are moved to a "Done" list for example. Learn how to set up the automation in this article.
The actual start date is logged when the card enters the started state, the actual end date is logged when the card reaches the completed state.
Time Tracking
Time tracking also automatically calculates the time spent in the started state and adds that time to the actual effort of the card. This way you can automatically track the time spent on the card.
When enabled, Placker will calculate the time the card spent in the started state and adds that time to the actual duration of the card.ย
For cards that have been in the started state for longer than a day, the workday settings on the board will be used to calculate the actual effort.
How to enable time tracking
You can enable time tracking on board level by opening the board settings and enabling the settings in the planning tab:
Track actual effort from the status in the Effort/Duration settings needs to be enabled to make this work.
Board time zone needs to be selected in the Auto update settings
The following settings will influence how the actual effort is calculated:
Workday settings determine which days are calculated as workdays when the effort is calculated.
Workhour settings determine the number of hours in a full day.
Seeing the actual effort in a card
After all of this is set, you can click a card to see its actual effort based on the automation:
Need more automation tools?
Feel free to tell us what you would like to do in Placker! There is a lot planned to extend this further.