April 4th, 2017

Extended Mirror mode, Gantt undo, combined boards and more

Reinder Visser avatar
Written by Reinder Visser
Updated over a week ago

The last two weeks focus on adding some features that have been requested by you. We are looking forward to hearing how these features work for you and what other improvements you see.

Gantt undo

We introduced a way to undo your last action on the Gantt chart, read all about this feature in this article.

Extended mirror mode

Mirror mode allows you to copy the card status between boards, for example, to automatically move the card to the completed list on one board when the linked card is completed. Read more about how to use mirror mode with Placker.

Combine boards

We made it easier to see multiple boards into one board and manage it like one. Read more about this feature in this article.

Other improvements

And some other improvements;

  • Import: You can now import more than 19 milestones (up to 60).

  • Tracker: You can now show or hide the create and delete flow in the board flow diagram (the 'Sankey' diagram).

  • Overall: You can now load boards with over 5000 cards/items.

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